Trasa Pojezierzy Zachodnich - odnoga szczecińska (20A)

Długość: 93.5 km

Suma podjazdów: 319 m

Suma zjazdów: 272 m

Maksymalna wysokość: 85 m n.p.m.

Minimalna wysokość: -2 m n.p.m.

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Trasa Pojezierzy Zachodnich - odnoga szczecińska
Trasa Pojezierzy Zachodnich - odnoga szczecińska
Trasa Pojezierzy Zachodnich - odnoga szczecińska
Trasa Pojezierzy Zachodnich - odnoga szczecińska
Trasa Pojezierzy Zachodnich - odnoga szczecińska
Trasa Pojezierzy Zachodnich - odnoga szczecińska

Trasa Pojezierzy Zachodnich - odnoga szczecińska to szlak rowerowy o długości 93.5 km. Podczas trasy rowerzyści pokonają 319 m podjazdów i 272 m zjazdów. Najwyższy punkt szlaku jest na wysokości 85.0 m n.p.m.

Inne szlaki w pobliżu

Opinie użytkowników (1)

  • ==== The section of the route from the village of Dobra to Buk is indicated incorrectly. In reality, in the village of Dobra, where the route supposedly turns sharply to the northwest along Sportowa Street, there is no bike path. If you are traveling with children, please note that the bike path near Berlin Doner Cebap turns left (not right). Follow it for about 100 meters to Osiedlowa Street. The bike path ends there. Turn right onto Osiedlowa Street and continue for another 100 meters until you see a small forest trail on the right, in a small wooded area (coordinates: 53.48351, 14.37863). Turn onto this trail, which heads southwest. Follow it until you reach a perpendicular road (coordinates: 53.47866, 14.36230). Ride along this road heading north to the village of Buk. This is the actual route of the bike path, although it slightly increases the distance. ==== From Szczecin to Płonia, there is an excellent bike path. The route from Płonia to Motaniec goes through a forest. It’s not even a gravel path but simply a forest road. After rain, it gets covered with large muddy puddles. This section is very hard to call a "bike path". Further, from Motaniec to Stargard, the bike path is excellent.

    ogólna ocena:
    stan nawierzchni: 4
    ruch samochodów: Mały
    rekomendowany rower: Gravel / Trekking
    szlak odpowiedni dla rodzin z dziećmi: TAK